An Introduction of Sorts

10:29 PM / Posted by Me /

The beginning of summer, the beginning of the rest of my life, the beginning of a blog. It all melds together into one chaotic, wonderful, exciting conglomerate. And after the insanity of this year, it's refreshing to feel like this.

I doubt anyone is going to read this blog. I'm not writing it for attention, or to create some social soap opera; there's Facebook and Myspace for individuals who choose to do that sort of thing. No. I'm merely writing this for myself, to gather my thoughts and see what I can make of it. If anyone happens to stumble upon it and read - you may care about what I have to say. You may not. All I ask is that if something I say affects anyone at all, whether positively or negatively, leave me a comment. I'd like to hear what you have to say. Different perspectives are so important in the grand scheme of life.

So I suppose I'll jump right into this.

These past few weeks have been ridiculous, but fantastic at the same time. I've finally graduated and I'm looking forward to an eventful summer, one that I'll always remember. And so far, it does not disappoint. I've been working quite a bit at the drugstore lately, but in small shifts, so it's very manageable. In-between that, I've been graduation party hopping, skinny dipping, watching movies, playing in the rain, eating ice cream with reckless abandon, adding a continual stream of new music to my ipod, and staying up enjoying yahtzee fests and marathon texting sessions until all hours of the evening. And I'm loving it. This school year took a toll on me like you wouldn't even believe, and this period of time has been the best I've had in such a long time.

For now, however, I'm off. I think I might try to re-create the Harry Potter world on the Sims 2. The castle's gonna be a bitch, but hey, why not? :D

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