And So, the Week Commences

3:56 PM / Posted by Me /

It's raining again today. This has been going on for at least a week. I waited the whole year for summer, so it better start feeling like it. The plants got enough water to swim in it. I'm surprised the trees haven't started wearing slickers.

For the first time in a while, I didn't have to get up at eight for work, which was WONDERFUL. Of course, I overcompensated for the lost sleep and found myself still in bed until I rolled over, looked at the time, and realized that one p.m. is a little late to be sleeping in. I feel totally refreshed now though, which is a huge plus. Of course, this will completely screw up my sleep cycle for the rest of the summer. And so the vicious cycle begins.

My dad just got home from work; it's his birthday in addition to Father's Day. I'm taking him out to dinner pretty soon, which will be nice. I hope he likes it, especially since we don't always get along so well. We both have the same bad traits - stubbornness and quick temper - and our interests are completely opposite (except for music) so when we fight, it's frequent and epic. If all goes well, the day will pass without tensions rising.


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