11:55 PM / Posted by Me /

It's nearly midnight, and I can hear the crickets outside the front windows. It's such a peaceful sound.

I ended up spending the day out with my mom and my sister. We were just running simple errands, but I really enjoyed it. I found some excellent steals at the dollar tree too, as usual, so I'd say it was a very productive trip. Work was a lot of putting merchandise away, which usually isn't so bad if I have someone with me, but I was alone up front so it got a little boring. Overall, though, it wasn't too trying. I'm glad to be home though. I'm loving the carefree element of summer where I can just come home and flop around, not worrying about what schoolwork needs to be done or what tests I have to take. And the whole, "yeah, graduated!" thing just makes it so much better. It's delicious.

Tomorrow should be a very good day. Katya and I are going to get her ears pierced, and I need to pick up a sundress for my graduation party. Then I'm going to see the Hangover with my friend Kyle, because everyone's raving about it and he insists on taking me after just giving me the entire plot synopsis on the phone, complete with quotes and everything. So that's going to be good. But for now, I'm going to go watch Slumdog Millionaire. I haven't seen it yet, but my sister bought it and has been bugging me to watch it with her. It's supposed to be amazing as well, so I'm excited. =]

Goodnight, everyone. No one's reading this, but watch the bedbugs anyway. They're vicious this time of year :P


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