Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

11:29 AM / Posted by Me /

I woke up this morning to a text: "GOODMORNING!!! :D I brought the sunshine back! :)". And when I looked out the window, 'twas true! THE SUN IS OUT! It's actually starting to feel like summer weather! My dad put the air conditioner in my sister's room yesterday, which is another sign, because my dad only puts it in when it's finally needed. =] Call me the happiest person in the world right now.

My mom's baking cookies in the kitchen, which opens into the living room where I am right now. All sorts of wonderful smells are wafting in through the doorway and with each new scent blending into the mix, I find myself getting up again and stealing another. This has got to stop, or I'm going to be a bus before I put my bathing suit on.

I have work later on tonight, but until then, I'm going to find something interesting to do. Maybe I'll take a walk outside. Or re-arrange things in my room. Or paint my nails the bright neon green color I couldn't resist buying last night during my shift. Or all three! The world is at my feet, and the possibilities are endless! :)


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