
11:49 PM / Posted by Me /

Ughh. I hate the male mind, I swear to God.

So he comes in to see me at work, surprising me, and hangs around for a while, using excuses to stick there as long as he can. Work goes on as usual, everything's fine, and then I come home and he texts me at usual time. We're talking and I said I was glad he came to visit me. Then he's all, "Did you tell Katya (the aforementioned best friend I work with) and them about us?" I said that I tell Katya everything but not everyone else because I'm a pretty private person and I don't think everyone needs to know my business. And here's the rest:

Him: That's good
Me: But you say "us". What are we, even? I don't even know. This is all...agh
Him: I don't know, just this talking relationship and then, you know, the liking :/ Look, I don't want you to get hurt or anything.
Me: Psh. Me. Hurt. Like I'm not already so used to that.
Him: But no, I don't wanna do that, I would never.
Me: That's what they all said.
Him: :( No no no I'm not gonna hurt you, I can't, I wouldn't, come on, I'm not like that.
Me: ...I know. I'm just ugh, really kind of blah tonight.
Him: I'm sorry, I knew something was up. I'll get you in a good mood.
Me: I don't know why you brought up me getting hurt in the first place.
Him: I'm sorry, I just want you to know I would never do anything like that.
Me: Okay. Well I hope that doesn't change. I have a very difficult time trusting people.
Him: Believe me, I could be one of them, I know we don't really know each other well, personality wise, but I think we know everything else about each other. Haha, but I'm not like other guys.
Me: I'm sorry. I'm just like that. It's so difficult for me to trust sometimes because almost every time I do, I'm the one who ends up broken and the guy just leaves.

Et cetera, et cetera. Not about to give a run-down of the entire conversation. But I honestly don't know what to make of it. There was no reason for him to even bring up me getting hurt if it didn't already cross his mind that he's going to do things that I'm not going to be happy about at all. Like, seriously, I don't even know what to think about everything. Sometimes I wish I never got myself into this.

But hey. I'm not going to go to bed upset. Because then I'll dream about crazy being upset things all evening. I think I'm going to go put a feel-good movie in and get ready for a brand new day. Maybe Pride and Prejudice. MmmmmmmmmmmmMr. Darcy <3


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