Let's Get Together and Feel Alright

12:14 AM / Posted by Me /


For once, I'm completely beat and it's before two. This is a change. I had a pretty busy day though, which explains it. I had work at nine this morning. That was positively brutal, the getting up, since I stayed up so late the night before. But I flung myself out of bed at the first sound of the alarm, cause I knew I would never get up if I didn't tear myself from the mattress. I got out at one, which wasn't bad at all, and then ran errands with my mother for a few hours. When I got home, I went out to the yard and shucked corn (yes, sounds like a redneck fest, but I swear, I'm not a complete hick) and made chocolate covered strawberries :) THAT was fun. Even though I ended up just eating like half the baker's chocolate.

After dinner, Katya and I, along with our friends Dave, Kushtrim, and Ana, went to another friend's house for a little bit. We played Taboo and I saw Ana for the first time since graduation (cause she was in Seattle) so it was nice to catch up with everyone. With my friends, I have a big group of us that are all extremely close, and whenever we get together we're crazy. I love it <3>

On another note, he came to visit me @ work today, and it was deadly. Every time just makes everything so much worse. He gave me a hug before he left and my mind was screaming, "YOU'RE KILLING ME! MAKE IT STOP!" And the thing is, I can't even say anymore that he doesn't realize what kind of effect he has on me. Cause he totally does, and it sucks!

God. I'm so glad that no one I know will ever read this. Or I'd be so dead.

For now, though, bed bed bed. Note the rhyme. :)


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